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Anti-Gravity Youth Group

Hey, welcome to the Anti-Gravity Youth Group web-page. If this is your first time here, you must apply for a membership. The reason we do this is to protect some of the things on the site, such as pictures, dates, and locations of events. When you apply, the application will be sent to the youth pastor, Keith Capman, and the web-team and someone will be in contact with you soon. After you are accepted, you are ready to explore the site. The whole purpose of this site is to help the youth of Anti-Gravity grow closer to God, and serve as an outreach to teens to see what we are all about.

Thank you for visiting,
Please stay in contact,

Anti-Gravity Site Team.

Our Mission Statement:

Anti-Gravity exists to reach young people with compassion, teaching them to live a life that honors God while building a relationship with other Christians.